Popular Services

This service allows the user to request a course withdrawal after the census date.

This service allows the user to request a Change of Major and Declare Minor.

This service allows the user to request to take coursework at another college or university.

This service allows the user to request to withdraw from the university

The service allows students to change their pre-major.

This service allows the user to add courses before the census date in the given term.

This service allows the user to change telephone numbers and related addresses.

The Office of Financial Aid is required to consider parental information and expect a parental contribution for students who are not independent according to the FAFSA definition. This service request will allow you to answer various questions to determine if you are dependent or independent.

This service request allows students to provide consent to Winston SalemState University to disclose educational records and information

This form must be signed in the presence of a Notary Public (below). Do not complete the form in advance!

This service allows the user to drop courses before the census date in the given term.

The service allows students to request a transfer credit appeal.

This service allows the user to drop courses before the census date in the given term.

This service allows the user to add courses before the census date in the given term.

According to federal requirements, we must verify the number of people in your household. Please complete and return this form. Upon receipt of this information, we can continue processing your financial aid file.

This service allows students to request verification of enrollment

The Winston-Salem State University Undergraduate Catalog and Graduate Catalog are primarily intended for use by currently enrolled and prospective students, faculty, advisors, and staff. The Catalogs provide an overview of the University’s curriculum, academic programs and courses, facilities, and educational resources. They also include University academic policies, regulations, and procedures; information about degree and certificate programs, including degree requirements; a listing and description of courses; and a faculty directory.

Add, modify, or remove Academic Catalog service request
The university reserves the right to change any provisions or requirements of this catalog at any time. Changes in the lists of administrative officers and faculty members may be made subsequent to the date of publication.

The Office of Financial Aid is required to consider parental information and expect a parental contribution for students who are not independent according to the FAFSA definition. This service request will allow you to answer the various questions to determine if you are dependent or independent.

This form must be signed in the presence of a Winston-Salem State University Financial Aid Representative or a Notary Public (below). Do not complete the form in advance!

Students complete this form if they are receiving a scholarship from a source other than WSSU.

Based on the information provided on the 2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the student indicated he/she did not file taxes for the 2023 year. To verify that you provided the correct information, we will compare your FAFSA with the information on this institutional verification document and with any other required documents.

According to federal requirements, we must verify the number of people in your household. Please complete and return this form. Upon receipt of this information, we can continue processing your financial aid file.

Academic Forgiveness is the process by which previously enrolled students may seek to remove the negative impact of unsatisfactory grades previously earned at WSSU. Academic Forgiveness (granted only once) may be requested by students returning to WSSU after an absence of three (3) or more consecutive calendar years. Students applying for Academic Forgiveness are required to meet with an advisor in their college/school to demonstrate full understanding of this policy and to develop a plan for academic improvement

This service request will allow students to request an adjustment towards their cost of attendance. This includes transportation, dependent care, books, supplies, off-campus housing. etc.