BA Finance FGAJVCQ Defect CR-000166734

BA Finance FGAJVCQ Defect CR-000166734

FGAJVCQ - using Up/Down arrows from the keyboard and changing the index code does not
update an existing sequence with default values for the new index code

FGAJVCQ - using Up/Down arrows from the keyboard and changing the index code does not
update an existing sequence with default values for the new index code.
For example, enter a sequence using an index. Copy the record or manually create a new
sequence using the same index. Navigate back to the first record and then press Down Arrow
from the keyboard and enter a different account index in the second sequence. The foap
elements for the second sequence do not default from the index entered. Note: Using the the
Next Record navigation button works ok versus the keyboard Down Arrow.
FGAJVCD and FGAJVCM do not have the same problem with Up/Down arrow keyboard

Workaround: Use Next/Previous Record navigation buttons on the page to move between
records rather than using Up/Down arrows from the keyboard when moving between two
records with index codes.

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Article ID: 80065
Thu 6/6/19 3:34 PM
Fri 6/7/19 5:57 PM