Popular Services

Support for PeopleAdmin-related areas.

With this service request, employees gain the ability to update their campus address within Banner, University Directory, and Outlook.

Services include, but not limited to request for name, address, and telephone changes.

Services designed to assisted users with benefits inquiries.

This service includes: supervisor changes, Banner Rams Online PIN reset, inability to submit time

Employee or Supervisor/Manager can request access to an employee personnel file.

Service designed to allow users to reserve Eller Hall, Room 113, via 25Live Pro, the university web-based scheduler.

Request for LMS online access, technical training and soft skill training

Inquiries and support for position closings, extensions, and search committees.

New hire start date/orientation date. Setting the salary.

Service designed to request search committee creations and committee member updates.

This service is designed to address employment verification request from external entities, which include but may not be limited: Mortgage Lenders, Employers, Child Support, Unemployment Office.

This service allows user to request appointments for I-9 document employment eligibility verification. This is a requirement for all new hires.