Reclassification / Reallocation

A reclassification occurs when there is a logical progression of a specific position due to changing business needs, shifts in organizational structure, or other operational factors that result in requirements for higher-level work. A logical progression means that the position classification follows a natural path within its job family/occupational group. A progression from Administrative Support Associate to Administrative Support Specialist is a logical move, whereas a move outside the job family would not be.

Reallocation is the assignment of a position to a different classification, documented through data collection and analysis according to customary professional procedure and approved by the Human Resources Director. For purpose of the Salary Adjustment Fund, the following references are considered reallocations:

  • Assignment of a graded or banded position to a higher level classification to recognize higher level duties.
  • Grade-Band Transfer – initial reallocation of graded positions to banded classes where salary increases are required to recognize higher level duties. (See Career Banding Salary Administration Policy.)
  • The purpose of a reallocation pay increase is to reward the employee for more responsible and more difficult duties than those in the current classification.

To request that a position be reviewed for reallocation, please contact the Compensation and Classification Section for guidance. You will need to complete a new position description in PeopleAdmin and provide an updated organizational chart for analysis. Typically, a reallocation is accompanied by a salary increase for the incumbent, though it is not required & budget considerations. An employee must be paid at least the minimum of the range for the new career banded title, but otherwise no salary action is mandated though internal pay alignment must always be considered.

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Article ID: 145968
Sun 8/21/22 3:54 PM
Fri 8/26/22 1:23 PM