How to connect to Eduroam Wi-Fi using Network Access Control (FortiNAC)

Connecting to the “Eduroam” Wi-Fi

  • Audience: WSSU Faculty & staff & students (personal devices) and visiting Eduroam users.
  • Policy Checks: Must have latest Operating system and Antivirus installed
  1. Connect to the “Eduroam” SSID.
  2. Login with your institutions full email address, and password.(ie: or
    1. When using any WSSU Wi-Fi network make sure that "Private address" is turned off.
      1. Android Users
        Disable MAC Address Randomization (Android 10 instructions)
        Open the Settings app.
        Select Network and Internet.
        Select WiFi.
        Connect to the wireless network
        Tap the gear icon next to the current wifi connection.
        Select Advanced.
        Select Privacy.
        Select "Use device MAC"
      2. iOS Users
        •Go to "Settings" -> select "Wi-Fi"
        • Select the "i" beside of the Wi-Fi network that your connected to
        • Turn OFF the option for "Private Address"
        • Select "Rejoin" to reconnect to Wi-Fi

  3. You will be presented with a portal page automatically, but if not open an internet browser and you will be directed to the splash page. The beginning splash page displays the campus use policy. (You must Accept the WSSU Acceptable Use Policy to access the internet.) Scroll through the text and click “agree” at the end of the policy.

For WSSU users:

  1. Select the “Users who have an active WSSU login account”
    1. Log in with your WSSU RAMID and password, then click “Continue”.
    2. (If using a PC) You will then need to "save" and "Run" the Fortinac Dissolvable agent installer.
    3. (If using a PC) Once you run the installer you will be presented with a pop-up box, select "Register" and your pc will be scanned.
    4. You will then be presented with a 45 second timer. Once this completes close your browser, then re-open it to gain full internet access.
      1. If your connection does not work immediately, turn off your wi-fi, wait 10 seconds then turn it back on.

RAM Network Access Control

For Eduroam Visitors:

  1. Select “Eduroam visitors registration”

  1. You can enter any email address that you have access to (your password will be sent to this address), enter your first and last name, then click “Request Guest Access”.
  2. You will then be provided with your username and password. You must “check” the box for the acceptable use policy and then you can click the login button.
    1. (If using a PC) You will then need to "save" and "Run" the Fortinac Dissolvable agent installer.
    2. (If using a PC) Once you run the installer you will be presented with a pop-up box, select "Register" and your pc will be scanned.
  3. If you need to log in again, at the login page select the “Eduroam visitors that have already registered” option.
  4. You can then enter your email address and password. You will accept the acceptable use policy, then click “login”. (This password is good for 2 weeks before you must request another one.)
  5. You will get a 45 second countdown, and once this is complete you can close your browser then reopen it for full internet access.
    1. If your connection does not work immediately, turn off your wi-fi, wait 10 seconds then turn it back on.
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