Importing Canvas Course Grades from an Export or Restore



To provide faculty with an understanding of how to export grades for the Canvas GradeBook for archive and restore.

Getting Started:

How do I import grades in the Gradebook?

You can use a CSV file to upload changes to the Gradebook. You can upload information for existing assignments, or you can also use a CSV file to create new assignments in the Gradebook. New assignments will automatically be published in your course. If you do not know how to save a file in a CSV format, please check the documentation for the program you are using to create your Gradebook changes (e.g., Excel).

If you don't want to create a new CSV file, you can always download the CSV from Canvas, change it, and re-upload the same file and the changes you made will appear in Canvas once you re-upload the CSV file.

If you create a column for a new assignment, Canvas will ask how you want to import the assignment. New assignments upload with the following settings:

  • Assignment Group: Assignments
  • Submission Type: No submission
  • Due date for: Everyone


  • The Gradebook CSV file downloads complete/incomplete assignments as full or no credit (e.g. for a 10-point assignment, 10 or 0). Scores with full or partial credit upload as a complete assignment; scores with zero upload as an incomplete assignment.
  • CSV file uploads can create assignments and update grades; they cannot update any other area of the Gradebook, such as assignment status, comments, or grade posting policies.
  • Letter Grade and GPA Scale assignments do not support any entries that are not part of the assignment's grading scheme.
  • All changes made to non-read-only columns are included in the upload. However, read-only columns are automatically ignored in the upload.
  • When multiple grading periods is enabled, CSV file uploads cannot create new assignments. Currently new assignments must be created in the Canvas interface. Additionally, CSV files are verified against grading period close dates; grades cannot be changed for any assignment in a closed grading period.
  • An upload will not recognize assignments named Current Score, Current Points, Final Score, Final Points, or Final Grade.
  • To upload changes to the Gradebook with student or assignment names containing special characters, please ensure the file is saved as a UTF-8 CSV.
  • CSV file uploads ignore reserved column names as well as hidden and deleted custom columns. Reserved column names include Student, ID, SIS User ID, SIS Login ID, Section, Integration ID, and Root Account.

Click here for: Instructions for importing course grades


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