A locksmith repairs or replaces broken doors and locks, rekeys locks and cylinders and cuts replacement keys. The locksmith will not release new keys unless both a key request form and a work order are completed, which should include a fund number and police report when appropriate. The WSSU locksmith(s) can be contacted via the Lockshop phone number, 336-750-3060.
A requestor is the person that completes the "work request" and the "key request form".
- In Housing and Residential Life, this would be the building director or someone in the Housing and Residential Life main office.
- In all academic, auxiliary and administrative buildings this would be the building coordinator, department head or departmental administrator. The building coordinator is the preferred resource.
A building coordinator is assigned to each building.
- A building coordinator’s may hold almost any other role at the university to include but not limited to administrative assistant, staff assistant, faculty, staff, Deans, department heads, executive assistants, students (Housing), etc. They are trained on University protocols, enforce rules and regulations, work to resolve issues, should be able to multi-task, provide assistance, and work with others submitting Facilities related work request.
- Regardless of requestor, the building coordinator will receive notification regarding to whom keys were distributed. The building coordinator’s responsibility include keeping a ledger of all keys issued for their building. The ledger should reflect the date of the issuance, the name of the individual(s), and the number of keys issued. The ledger should also list employees separating from the university or no longer working in that building. Their keys must be turned in and swipe cards deactivated through the RAMCard office. Keys are always turned over to the building coordinator, department head, and/or director of staff.