Building Coordinator

Define the Role of the Building Coordinator

Building coordinators are essential assets to Winston-Salem State University. Their role is to stay efficient in work requests, which helps in ensuring maintenance issues are resolved in a timely manner while overseeing the safety and security of buildings. Facilities operations assists them in their everyday demands and needs. The building coordinator program is the structured and designed for campus buildings to run smoothly and be maintained so the occupants may be able to work and reside in a safe environment. 

How to Become a Building Coordinator

  • It is a "voluntary" position
  • Typically, department heads appoint and therefore approve building coordinators or make the position responsibilities a part of an employee's day to day duties. If the building is large or several departments are housed within the same building there may be a team of building coordinator's. In addition each building coordinator has a back-up or second who can be appointed or volunteer. A back-up coordinator can be from an adjoining building.
  • Students can not be building coordinators unless the building is a residence hall.
  • Building coordinators must be university employees. 

Duties of the Building Coordinator

  • To have daily contact with building occupants and the employees of Facilities Operations to keep the building running smoothly and assist the occupants and Facilities Operations personnel in processing work requests.
  • To handle inquiries form faculty, staff and student occupants about the need for maintenance services to the building or equipment
  • To handle unusual circumstances or emergencies even after normal operation hours, thus your personal phone numbers (home and office) must be on file
  • To physically be in the building the majority of the day during normal operating hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. When not available the back-up coordinator steps in.
  • Communicates all scheduled and emergency utility shutdowns received from Operations Maintenance, Zone Supervisor and Design & Construction with building occupants
  • Receive and log maintenance and service requests from building occupants
  • Submit work order requests; understand the basics of the repair service to be performed; make sure the request work was completed as requested and that the requestor is satisfied
  • Coordinate all building access in line with the University Key Policy, as a result the building is responsible for key control, key audits, key distribution and collection. All building coordinators are required to keep up to date of who has access to what areas in their building via the Key Tracking Form, which is updated annually and should reflect who has access to the various areas in your building. 

Building Coordinator Listing

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