RAMID+ Powered by DUO: Registration


Provides information on registering a new phone or re-registering an existing phone.


New Staff, Faculty and Students must register a device with DUO for multi-factor authentication to access university resources. 

All Staff, Faculty and Students should use at least one of the following methods to authenticate into their accounts:

1. DUO Mobile Verified Push notification

2. Yubikey or another hardware token

3. Dashlane Passkey through Chrome

How to register a new phone with DUO Mobile for new users:

How to manage your devices or add new ones in DUO for existing users:


If you have any issues with device registration, please submit a ticket or contact the help desk at 336-750-3431.




Article ID: 148686
Wed 1/18/23 4:22 PM
Mon 8/12/24 4:07 PM